WS02: mHealth and Psycho-Physical Well-Being

Saturday 29 September 2018
Jan Derboven, Roos Voorend, Gennaro Tartarisco, Flavia Marino, Giovanni Pioggia, Sebastiano Nucera, Katleen Van der Gucht

Location: Informatics building: java

This one-day workshop addresses the theme of “mHealth and psycho-physical wellbeing”. Both in academia and in industry, mHealth applications have recently started to address not only physical health, but also mental health. Apart from monitoring physical parameters to improve patients’ self-management of diseases, an increasing number of health monitoring apps include cognitive behavioural approaches and mindfulness. However, the combination of mental support with specific self-management paradigms poses particular challenges for the design of the technology. For instance, constant access to detailed health data and information can interfere with mental wellbeing, as an overwhelming amount of health data can induce stress and anxiety. The aim of this workshop is to address some of the challenges associated with the combination of self-monitoring and mental health and mindfulness goals.